Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Seven New Entries and Eleven Days left!

There are just over eleven days left to submit an entry for the 2017 One Page Dungeon Contest! We are entering the final stretch!  If you are thinking about submitting an entry, now is the time to get started!

+Jeff McKelley  has submitted an entry, brimming with Cthulhu!

"Cultists in the Keep"

"Cultists have taken refuge in an abandoned keep. You must infiltrate their lair and retrieve an Elder Sign."


+Gabriel Perez Gallardi  has submitted an entry, loaded to the hilt with traps and tricks!

"Crypt of the Lost Hymns"

“In the vast windswept plains North of Ur-Hadad, the First City of Men, a lonely barrow is the only landmark for many miles around.”


+Ben Green  has submitted an entry featuring a dungeon in five dimensions!

"Chambers of Chaos and Madness"

"Within the lair of a mad Warlock, a spiral stair leads to this mind-bending structure. Legend tells of a Tome hidden in the central chamber."


Ben Gibson ( +Commodore Sven ) has submitted an entry set in the village of Harrison's Ford where you would do well to listen to your elders!

"Beneath the Bare Hill"

"Someone has disturbed the Bare Hill, exposing the alien black stone structure underneath. Someone has gone within...but worse, something within has come out."


+Sean Smith has submitted an entry riddled with molemen!

"Suburban Cathedral"

"Fissures lead to a cavern five storeys deep beneath the city: in its centre rises a grand cathedral-like building of ruddy stone and marble."


Derek Ruiz (  +Derek Von Zarovich ) has submitted an entry featuring a troublesome wizard with a history of making trouble for a small village!

You can view the entry at Ruiz's website,

"Where are the Villagers?"

"Evil wizard Mr. Fuzz has kidnapped a group of townsfolk for an evil ritual. Will someone be brave enough to face this underground challenge?"


+Jim Abbott has submitted an entry featuring a well-concealed crypt hidden in a looted ruin!

"Crypt of the Witch King"

"An ancient ruin. A long forgotten crypt. An evil that must be defeated - enter the Crypt of the Witch King if you dare..."

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